"Wild Oak is Wild Oak. If you have any questions, don't come." 
- Dennis Herr, Founder of TWOT


Date: February 13th 2022
Distance: ~ 25 miles
Elevation Gain: 7,000’
Highest Elevation: 4,300’
Lowest Elevation: 1,250’
Hiking Time: 12 hours - in the snow.
Average Speed: 3mph - our usual target is 4 mph but snow hampered us.
Hours of Sunlight: 10.25
Average High Temp: 42 degrees
Average Low Temp: 10 degrees

*Whatever the distance is, add 10% because Ben always under estimates (lies). Add 3K or more to the verticals, too.

Sufferfesters: Pat G, Will G, Jeremy M, Pat B, Mike A, John M, Angelo, Jon L, Rick, Ben 3

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