“Crying – acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.” - Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation)


Date: April 18-21st 2024.
Distance: ~ 44.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 11,500’
Highest Elevation: 8,238’
Lowest Elevation: 2,468’
Hiking Time: ~14-17 hours.
Average Speed: 3mph.
Sunrise: 5:47 AM
Sunset: 7:07 PM
Hours of Sunlight: 13.3
Average High Temp: 64 degrees - on South Rim; 80s in valley.
Average Low Temp: 27 degrees

Sufferfesters: Alec, Andy, AVD, Ben, Ben T, Ben4, Brad, Chad, Craig, DJ, Drew, Eric, Jeremy, Jon R, Jon L, Josh R, Mike, Neil, Chappy, Scorp, Pat, Rick, Ryan, Ted M, Tim M, Tim F, Todd, Will.

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