Taos Traverse, Taos, New Mexico


Date: TBD
Distance: 32.2
Elevation Gain: 11,000’
Highest Elevation: 13,000’ *Highest point in New Mexico
Lowest Elevation: 8,000’
Hiking Time: Estimate 17 hours
Average Speed: Our usual target is 4 mph, but altitude and verts will slow this.
Sunrise: 6:45 AM
Sunset: 7:08 PM
Hours of Sunlight: 12.25
Average High Temp: 77 F - in Taos, we’ll be higher
Average Low Temp: 43 F - in Taos, we’ll be higher

*Whatever the distance is, add 10% because Ben always under estimates (lies). Add 3K or more to the verticals, too.


Future Event: Catalina Island


Date: TBD
Distance: ~ 40 miles
Elevation Gain: 10,000’
Highest Elevation: 1,775’
Lowest Elevation: Sea level
Hiking Time: 24-28 hours.
Average Speed: Our usual target is 4mph
Sunrise: TBD
Sunset: TBD
Hours of Sunlight: TBD
Average High Temp: TBD degrees
Average Low Temp: TBD degrees


